LGBTQ Wedding Photography in New York & the Hudson Valley
Lgbtq wEDDING PHOTOGRAPHy in new york & the Hudson valley
We welcome all
We have been photographing LGBTQ+ weddings since the day our doors opened in 2009. As a queer wedding photographer, recognizing same-sex marriage and showing same-sex weddings loud and proud on our website was a no-brainer.
Over the years, and with the Federal recognition of same-sex marriage, many photographers have begun to embrace queer couples and their ally-ship, and that is a great thing! But it wasn’t that long ago, when many in the wedding industry questioned whether or not to feature gay weddings.
My wife and I got married in 2013. It’s hard to believe that when we met, we were not legally allowed to get married.
For Hudson River Photographer as a company, for myself as a queer individual, it was never a question of whether or not to show gay weddings, feature queer weddings or stand proudly as part of the LGBTQ community.
We welcome all couples.
We are inclusive.
We will not judge you or your family members or friends.
We challenge all in this industry to continue to do the same.